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Related Links

Numeronomy/Nymology (Idea Set Theory)

Build Intuit (D. Scalise)

Pattern Language


Systematics resources
Anthony G. Blake home page
Dramatic Universe summary of Bennett's opus (M. Grenfell)
DuVersity inspired by the work of John Bennett (A. Blake/K. Stefano)
Book of Threes large collection of 3-sets (Triads)


ConceptNet (R. Speer/C. Havasi)
FrameNet (C. Fillmore)
WordNet (G. Miller)


Unrelated Links

Several projects share the word Numeronomy, however the following homonyms have no connection to our usage:
Syndex Numeronomy (dealing with prime numbers)
Vortex Math Numeronomy (largely considered a psuedo-science 'math parlor trick')
Theory of Word Numeronomy counting letters as numbers (Y. Anderson)

links.1577580379.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/29 00:46 by