====== Tech Specs ====== **[[technotes|Tech Notes]]** **[[http://nymology.org|→ NYMOLOGY SITE →]]**\\ * **[[nymology|Nymology FAQ]]** * **[[guide|Activities Guide]]** * **Tech Specs** * **[[Glossary|Glossary]]** * **[[bugs|Bugs]]** ---- **Nymology** runs on **Python**, **Django** and **PostgreSQL**. The complete open source code base behind the site can be found on [[https://github.com/verkoder/nym|GitHub]] Many thanks to the authors of these tools:\\ * **[[https://conceptnet.io/|ConceptNet]]** - semantic network\\ * **[[https://spacy.io/|spaCy]]** - NLP tools\\ * **[[https://pypi.org/project/pyinflect/|pyinflect]]** - NLP inflection\\ * **[[https://www.highcharts.com|HighCharts]]** - chart plotting\\ * **[[https://www.mathjax.org/|MathJax]]** - pretty math graphics\\ * **[[https://www.quotes.net|Quotes.net]]** - queryable resource * Django apps: tables2, vote, rest_framework **Database Tables and Fields**\\ The **[[http://nymology.org|Nymology]]** database **Nymbase** follows the schema here.\\ The **[[http://nymology.org/api/|Nymology API]]** provides access to all data, except user info. **Common Tables** contain **Common Fields** in addition to those listed.\\ **Special Tables** contain only listed fields. ===== Common Tables ===== \\ \\ \\ **COMMON FIELDS:**\\ name = entry topic\\ user = entry author (foreign key)\\ src = original source\\ wiki = wikipedia link\\ area = field of study\\ **TERMS** ^ ^ Quad ^ Poly ^ | length | Q count | P count | | width |substitution count | dimension count | | depth | | max depth | **[[Nymology#templates|Phrase]]:**\\ qode = single-Q template\\ subs = NEROS-string\\ width = substitution count\\ realm = domains\\ **[[Nymology#templates|Fable]]:**\\ qode = multi-Q template\\ length = quadranym count\\ width = substitution count\\ subs = NEROS-string\\ realm = domains\\ **[[Nymology#quadranym|Quadranym]]:**\\ pos = part-of-speech\\ realm = domains\\ e = expansion\\ r = reduction\\ o = objective\\ s = subjective\\ epos = expansion POS\\ rpos = reduction POS\\ opos = objective POS\\ spos = subjective POS\\ **[[Nymology#polynym|Polynym]]:**\\ mode = part/step/type\\ depth = nym count\\ p1 - p12 = nyms\\ **[[Nymology#templates|Story]]:**\\ length = pair count\\ realm = domains\\ **[[Nymology#templates|Storyline]]:**\\ story = group (foreign key)\\ rank = order\\ phrase = template (foreign key)\\ quadranym = topic (foreign key)\\ **[[nymology#templates|Tale]]:**\\ fable = fable (foreign key)\\ length = quadranym count \\ **[[Nymology#templates|Taleline]]:**\\ tale = group (foreign key)\\ rank = order\\ quadranym = topic (foreign key)\\ **[[Nymology#polymap|Polymap]]:**\\ pa = polynym A (foreign key)\\ pb = polynym B (foreign key)\\ r1 - r12 = dimensional relationship \\ **[[Nymology#polynym|Vectornym]]:**\\ length = polynym count\\ width = dimension count\\ depth = max polynym width \\ realm = domains\\ v1 - v9 = polynyms 1-9 (foreign keys) **[[Nymology#polymap|Polyset]]**\\ polynyms = foreign keys (many-to-many)\\ length = polynym count\\ depth = max polynym depth\\ width = dimension count\\ **[[Nymology#polymap|Quadraset]]**\\ quadranyms = foreign keys (many-to-many)\\ length = quadranym count\\ ===== Special Tables ===== **Fortune:**\\ body = original text\\ qode = enqoded text\\ q1 = enqoding quadranyms (foreign keys)\\ q2 = enqoding 2+ quadranyms (foreign keys)\\ subs = NEROS-string\\ depth = substitution count\\ **Quote:**\\ body = original text\\ qode = enqoded text\\ quadranym = enqoding topic (foreign key)\\ src = original source\\ subs = NEROS-string\\ width = substitution count\\ **Winner:**\\ user = player (foreign key)\\ app = game played\\ round = rounds played\\ score = high score\\ **Vote**\\ user_id = voter (foreign key)\\ **Queue**\\ name = potential quadranym\\ ---- * **[[Nymology|Nymology FAQ]]** * **[[Guide|Activities Guide]]** * **Tech Specs** * **[[Glossary|Glossary]]** * **[[Bugs|Bugs]]** **[[http://db.polynyms.com|→ NYMOLOGY SITE →]]**