====== Nymology ====== **FAQ** ---- **[[http://nymology.org|→ NYMOLOGY SITE →]]**\\ * **Nymology FAQ** * **[[guide|Activities Guide]]** * **[[tech|Tech Specs]]** * **[[Glossary|Glossary]]** * **[[bugs|Bugs]]** ---- **What's the point?**\\ The goal is to find deeper meaning, within language and between ourselves. By acquiring commonsense knowledge from people across disciplines, regions and cultures, we can approach a singularity of meaning and understanding. **How does it work?**\\ Our approach involves collection and analysis of //idea sets// -- a set of dimensions used to frame a concept. The resulting "thesaurus" can be used to populate knowledgebase systems for natural language processing. //Developers note//: Nymology is open source, and a REST API is provided. **What is nymology?**\\ Think of **//nymology//** as the pursuit of **word-sensibility**, related to [[wp>phenomenology|phenomenology]], [[wp>semiotics|semiotics]], [[wp>natural language processing|Natural Language Processing (NLP)]], [[wp>LogoVisual_thinking|LogoVisual Thinking (LVT)]], [[wp>construction_grammar|construction grammar]] and [[wp>mad libs|Mad Libs]]. **What is numeronomy?**\\ Think of **//numeronomy//** as the pursuit of **set-sensibility**, an interdisciplinary cross-cultural //idea set theory//, related to [[wp>Computational_lexicology|computational lexicology]] and [[wp>Systematics_–_study_of_multi-term_systems|Bennettian Systematics]].\\ ===== Polynym ===== //Polynyms// are //idea sets//, or //multi-term systems//, in which each dimension functions as a part, step or type of the main topic:\\ **Freud's three parts of the psyche:** ''**{P3:psyche|part|Freud}\\ = {id, ego, superego}**'' **Five Stages of Grief:** ''**{P5:grief|step}\\ = {denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance}**'' **Seven Deadly Sins:** ''**{P7:deadly sin|type}\\ = {wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony}**'' \\ A polynym's **mode** is its part/step/type role.\\ A polynym's **depth** is its dimension count. ==== Set-nyms ==== The **union** of two polynyms (their //combined// dimensions) is termed a **//unionym//**: ''**{P2:yinyang} ⋃ {P3:psyche|Freud}\\ = {ego, id, superego, yin, yang}**'' The **intersection** of two polynyms (their //shared// dimensions) is termed a **//sectionym//**:\\ ''**{P4:self|Jung} ⋂ {P7:energy|chakras}\\ = {feeling, thinking}**'' **//Supernym/subnym//** represent polynym superset/subset relationships:\\ ''**subnym ⊆ supernym:\\ {feeling, thinking} ⊆ {P4:self|Jung}**'' ''**supernym ⊇ subnym:\\ {P12:star sign} ⊇ {P4:fixed star sign}**'' ==== Polymap ==== The dimensional relationships between two polynyms is termed a **//polymap//**. Relationship types are adopted from [[http://conceptnet.io|ConceptNet]]: **RelatedTo\\ FormOf\\ IsA\\ PartOf\\ HasA\\ UsedFor\\ CapableOf\\ AtLocation\\ Causes** **HasSubevent\\ HasFirstSubevent\\ HasLastSubevent\\ HasPrerequisite\\ HasProperty\\ MotivatedByGoal\\ ObstructedBy\\ HasSubevent\\ CreatedBy** **Synonym\\ Antonym\\ DistinctFrom\\ DerivedFrom\\ SymbolOf\\ DefinedAs\\ MannerOf\\ LocatedNear\\ HasContext** **SimilarTo\\ EtymologicallyRelatedTo\\ EtymologicallyDerivedFrom\\ CausesDesire\\ MadeOf\\ ReceivesAction\\ ExternalURL** === Polyset === A **//polyset//** is a polynym set: ''**[{P2:yinyang}, {P2:psyche}, {P4:self|Jung}]**'' === Vectornym === A **//vectornym//** is a polynym array: ''**{P2:yinyang} → {P2:psyche} → {P4:self|Jung}**'' For vectornyms and polysets: * **length** is the polynym count * **width** is the total dimension count === Inside a Polynym === Polynyms have implied internal relationships, depending on mode: ^ Polynym Mode ^ Implied Relationships ^ | part | Dimension → PartOf → Topic | | step | Dimension → UsedFor → Topic\\ Dimension → CapableOf → Topic\\ Dimension1 → Causes → Dimension2 | | type | Dimension → IsA → Topic\\ Dimension → MannerOf → Topic | ---- ===== Quadranym ===== A **//quadranym//** is a four-part conceptual construct using a dual-axis //mode-state// model. Quadrants **EROS** relate **Expansion-Reduction** modes and **Objective-Subjective** states: | **E** = expand ^ | **O** = object | ^ | **N** = Topic Name ^ | | **S** = subject ^ | **R** = reduce | Related four-part constructions include the [[wp>semiotic_square|Semiotic Square]], the [[wp>Hypostatic_model_of_personality|Hypostatic model]] and Bennett's [[systematics#four-foldness_in_systematics|Tetrads]]. For more on //quadranym theory// see **[[http://buildintuit.com|BuildIntuit]]**. === Part-of-Speech (POS) by quadranym type: === ^ \\ **Q type** ^ **N =\\ Topic** ^ **E / R\\ Modes** ^ **O / S\\ States** ^ | **//Freeform//** | any | any | any | | **//Conjugal//** | any | VB | NN | ==== Qode Script ==== **//Qode//** describes a templating script for quadranym dimensions and POS-tags: ''**q[number][n, e, r, o, s]_[ADJ, NN, NNS, VB, VBD, VBG, VBN]**'' For example, the following calls a 3rd quadranym's //expansion// term in past tense: ''**You q3e_VBD the door.**'' Qode scripts accept a subset of [[wp>WordNet|WordNet]] tags: ^ **Adjectives** ^ **Nouns** ^ **Verbs** ^ | ADJ : fun | NN : item | VB : eat | | | NNS : items | VBD : ate | | | | VBG : eating | | | | VBN : eaten | ==== Templates ==== **[[http://db.polynyms.com|Nymology]]** uses [[wp>phrasal templates|phrasal templates]] to explore meaning structures: * A **//phrase//** is an enqoded template requiring just one **quadranym**. * A **//story//** is a list of **phrase-quadranym** pairs. * A **//fable//** is an enqoded template requiring multiple **quadranyms**. * A **//tale//** is a **fable** with its required number of **quadranyms**. **NEROS-string**\\ Each letter in a **//NEROS-string//** references a quadranym's name or dimension, summarizing the order of substitutions in a template: ''**We got a q1o_NN by q1r_VBN the q1n_NN.\\ NEROS-string = ORN**'' ---- * **Nymology FAQ** * **[[guide|Activities Guide]]** * **[[tech|Tech Specs]]** * **[[Glossary|Glossary]]** * **[[bugs|Bugs]]** **[[http://db.polynyms.com|→ NYMOLOGY SITE →]]**