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-<WRAP column 28%> 
-====== Nymology DB ====== 
-<WRAP column 32%> 
-**[[http://​|→ NYMOLOGY SITE →]]**\\ 
-  * **[[nymology|Nymology FAQ]]** 
-  * **[[guide|Activities Guide]]** 
-  * **Tech Specs** 
-  * **[[bugs|Bugs]]** 
-<WRAP column 40%> 
-**[[http://​|Nymology]]** database **Nymbase** has the following tables and fields. 
-<WRAP column 50%> 
-<WRAP round tip>Most tables share a set of **Common** fields, and only unique fields are listed for each table. Tables without Common fields list all available fields.</​WRAP>​ 
-===== Tables with Common fields ===== 
-<WRAP column 30%> 
-name = entry word/​concept\\ 
-by = entry author\\ 
-src = original source\\ 
-url = info link\\ 
-area = field of study\\ 
-z = generality (0.0-1.0)\\ 
-<WRAP column 30%> 
-[[Nymology#​what_is_qode_endoded|qode]] = single-Q template\\ 
-subs = [[Nymology#​what_is_a_neros-string|NEROS-string]]\\ 
-depth = substitution count\\ 
-realm = domains\\ 
-[[Nymology#​what_is_qode_endoded|qode]] = multi-Q template\\ 
-subs = [[Nymology#​what_is_a_neros-string|NEROS-string]]\\ 
-depth = substitution count\\ 
-width = quadranym count\\ 
-realm = domains\\ 
-pos = part-of-speech\\ 
-realm = domains\\ 
-e = expansion\\ 
-r = reduction\\ 
-o = objective\\ 
-s = subjective\\ 
-epos = expansion POS\\ 
-rpos = reduction POS\\ 
-opos = objective POS\\ 
-spos = subjective POS\\ 
-<WRAP column 30%> 
-[[Nymology#​what_is_a_tale_fable_story_phrase|phrases]] = names (CSV)\\ 
-[[Nymology#​what_is_a_quadranym|quadranym]] = names (CSV)\\ 
-depth = pair count\\ 
-realm = domains\\ 
-[[Nymology#​what_is_a_tale_fable_story_phrase|fable]] = [[Nymology#​what_is_a_tale_fable_story_phrase|Fable]] (foreign key)\\ 
-[[Nymology#​what_is_a_quadranym|quadranym]] = names (CSV)\\ 
-mode = part/​step/​type\\ 
-depth = nym count\\ 
-p1 - p12 = nyms\\ 
-pa = [[Nymology#​what_is_a_polynym|Polynym]] A (foreign key)\\ 
-pb = [[Nymology#​what_is_a_polynym|Polynym]] B (foreign key)\\ 
-r1 - r12 = element-to-element relation (relations from [[http://​|ConceptNet]])\\ 
-===== Tables without Common fields ===== 
-<WRAP column 10%> 
-<WRAP column 30%> 
-body = original text\\ 
-[[Nymology#​what_is_qode_endoded|qode]] = enqoded text\\ 
-q1 = Q matches 1 sub\\ 
-q2 = Q matches 2+ subs\\ 
-subs = [[Nymology#​what_is_a_neros-string|NEROS-string]]\\ 
-depth = substitution count\\ 
-<WRAP column 30%> 
-by = author\\ 
-app = game played\\ 
-round = rounds played\\ 
-score = high score\\ 
-===== Technical Specs ===== 
-<WRAP column 50%> 
-Many thanks to the creators of the following tools used by **[[http://​|Nymology]]**:​\\ 
-  * [[https://​​|ConceptNet]] - semantic network API\\ 
-  * [[https://​​|spaCy]] - NLP tools\\ 
-  * [[http://​​pages/​pattern-en|pattern.en]] - NLP conjugator\\ 
-  * [[https://​|HighCharts]] - JavaScript charting library\\ 
-<WRAP column 40%><​WRAP round info>​Nymology proudly runs on Python3, Django2 and PostgreSQL</​WRAP>​ 
-<WRAP column 40%> 
-  * **[[nymology|Nymology FAQ]]** 
-  * **[[guide|Activities Guide]]** 
-  * **Tech Specs** 
-  * **[[bugs|Bugs]]** 
-<WRAP column 40%> 
-**[[http://​|→ NYMOLOGY SITE →]]** 
nymbase.1577646620.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/29 19:10 by