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-====== Numeronomy ====== 
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-**[[http://​|→ NYMOLOGY SITE →]]**\\ 
-  * **Numeronomy FAQ** 
-  * **[[nymology|Nymology FAQ]]** 
-  * **[[guide|Activities guide]]** 
-  * **[[nymbase|Nymology DB]]**\\ 
-  * **[[bugs|Known Bugs]]** 
-==== What is Numeronomy? ==== 
-We think of //​Numeronomy//​ as //idea set theory//, an interdisciplinary study of idea sets across cultures, related to [[wp>​Computational_lexicology|computational lexicology]] and [[wp>​Systematics_–_study_of_multi-term_systems|Bennettian Systematics]].\\ 
-==== What is a Polynym? ==== 
-We use //Polynym// to describe idea sets in which each element functions as a part, step or type of the main idea:\\ 
-**Freud'​s three parts of the psyche:** 
-  {P3:​psyche|part|Freud} = 
-    { id, ego, superego } 
-**Five Stages of Grief:** 
-  {P5:​grief|step} = 
-    { denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance } 
-**Seven Deadly Sins:** 
-  {P7:deadly sin|type} = 
-    { wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony } 
-A Polynym'​s **mode** (string) defines its part/​step/​type,​ while **depth** (integer) defines the number of elements. 
-==== What is a Unionym/​Sectionym/​Supernym/​Subnym?​ ==== 
-The union of Polynyms results in a set of combined elements we call a //​Unionym//:​ 
-  {P2:​yinyang} ⋃ {P3:​psyche|Freud} = 
-    { ego, id, superego, yin, yang } 
-We call the set at the intersection of two Polynyms (their shared elements) a //​Sectionym//:​\\ 
-  {P4:​self|Jung} ⋂ {P7:​energy|chakras} = { feeling, thinking } 
-//​Supernym/​Subnym//​ represent superset/​subset relationships between Polynyms:\\ 
-  { feeling, thinking } ⊆ {P4:​self|Jung} ← Subnym ⊆ Supernym 
-  {P12:star sign} ⊇ {P4:fixed star sign} ← Supernym ⊇ Subnym 
-==== What is a Polymap? ==== 
-We call the relationships between elements of two Polynyms a //​Polymap//​. 
-Relationship types are adopted from [[http://​|ConceptNet]]:​ 
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-==== Implied Relationships ==== 
-Polynyms can imply various internal relationships depending on their mode: 
-^ Polynym Mode ^ Implied Relationships ^ 
-| part | Element → PartOf → Topic | 
-| step | Element → UsedFor → Topic\\ Element → CapableOf → Topic\\ Element1 → Causes → Element2 | 
-| type | Element → IsA → Topic\\ Element → MannerOf → Topic | 
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-  * **Numeronomy FAQ** 
-  * **[[nymology|Nymology FAQ]]** 
-  * **[[guide|Activities guide]]** 
-  * **[[nymbase|Nymology DB]]** 
-  * **[[bugs|Known Bugs]]** 
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-**[[http://​|→ NYMOLOGY SITE →]]** 
numeronomy.1577614136.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/29 10:08 by